Sklep Guayusa - Pachamama Guayusa

— What's guayusa? —

For centuries it was a best kept secret of Amazon tribes, now it's your chance to try it! Ilex Guayusa is a subspecies of tropical holly similar to yerba mate. The plant comes from Ecuadorian rainforests. Kichwa and Jiwaro tribes use its leaves to prepare traditional infusions rich in natural caffeine, vitamins, minerals, l-theanine and huge dose of antioxidants. Guayusa tea stimulates, improves concentration, helps reduce stress and strengthens immune system. It will be a great source of natural caffeine and a healthy alternative to coffee or energy drinks.

Learn how to prepare a guayusa tea infusion.

Pachamama Guayusa Tea

Pachamama Guayusa Tea comes from a small organic plantation in the Amazon jungle in Napo, Ecuador. The plant is grown in a wild, unpolluted ecosystem in accordance with natural vegetation cycle. without artificial stimulation with pesticides or other chemicals. Each package contains high quality hand-picked guayusa leaves previously subjected to strict selection. The highest production ethics are confirmed by the organic certificate awarded to Pachamama guayusa tea.

Discover Pachamama Guayusa Tea!

Our guayusa is characterized by a delicate, plant aroma and mild flavour. We recommend it both as a hot infusion or cold refreshment. You can mix it with your favourite fruits, juices, herbs or even yerba mate. To take full advantage of the properties hidden in inconspicuous green guayusa leaves, we've prepared various flavor variations of Pachamama based only on natural, ecological ingredients.

What makes Pachamama is the best guayusa tea brand on the market?

ORGANIC Produced under strictly controlled conditions without the use of any chemicals; One of the first brands of organic guayusa that appeared on the market!

DELICIOUS Unlike competing darker varieties, our air-dried green guayusa has excellent flavor and a very high content of natural caffeine.

TRUSTED The intimate, traditional character of the plantation in perfect harmony with modern, ecological solutions to deliver the highest quality.


Guayusa tea – benefits
In Europe, guayusa tea infusions are still less popular than yerba mate tea. Although many people compare these two beverages, there are many differences between them. Today we will present benefits from drinking guayusa tea infusions – read carefully!
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How to brew guayusa tea? 4 ways to prepare ilex guayusa infusion.
Ilex guayusa is a cousin of yerba mate grown in the Amazon jungle. For centuries, the people of Ecuador have been preparing aromatic infusions from its leaves, rich in natural caffeine, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Now it's high time to try it for yourself! How to prepare guayusa? Today we are presenting four proven and reliable ways to do it.
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